OUR therapy teams are holding a recruitment event to invite allied health professionals (AHPs) to join our ranks.

The event will take place on Wednesday, July 17, from 3pm to 7pm, in the education centre (building 18) at Airedale Hospital.

This event is for qualified or newly-qualified AHPs, people considering an AHP career, AHPs wanting to return to practice, and those looking at the different paths into a career in this area – including work experience, assistance and support roles and administration work.

Occupational therapists, physiotherapists, dietitians, speech and language therapists, operating department practitioners, radiographers, and support and administrative staff will be available to speak to people. There will be lots of information available for all visitors.

We believe Airedale is a fabulous place to work, and we want to tell as many people as we can!

Some people think it’s mainly just doctors and nurses who work at hospitals, but AHPs make-up a large section of the workforce. AHPs support patients in so many different ways, and make a big difference to people’s lives.

We’re hoping this event will attract new people to consider a career at Airedale, and we’re ready to welcome you with lots of help on hand for anyone visiting on the day.


Therapy Services Manager, Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

* E-mail your letters to alistair.shand@keighleynews.co.uk