A JOB fair will be held at the Sue Belcher Community Centre on Bracken Bank.

The centre is hosting the event on Thursday September 19 from 3pm to 5pm for anyone looking to change their career, find a new job including part-time work, or who is unemployed and does not know where to go for help finding a job.

Centre treasurer Nadine Peck said: “You can talk to people from some of the top companies in Keighley and district with jobs to offer, as well as people who might be able to tell you about jobs you’ve never even thought of.

“You can also find out about further training and paid courses, and even get help with writing a CV.”

Refreshments will be served.

A job club will run at the centre, in Bracken Bank Avenue, every Thursday from September 26 from 1pm to 3pm. There will be advice on subjects such as training or retraining, paid courses, and writing a CV.

The centre also hosts woodworking training at its Shed group on Thursdays from 6.30pm to 8.30pm.

A coffee morning will be held in aid of Manorlands at the centre on Saturday September 21 from 10.30am until 1pm. Bingo will be held the same day at 5.30pm.