SHOULD Oakworth be alarmed about the roadworks in Colne Road and Windsor Road?

For several months I have been collecting my granddaughter from her school on a Monday.

I had assumed that the lack of activity throughout this time by workers and the delay to traffic was caused by the lads recovering from weekend dissipation and taking Monday off.

Consider my dismay when I had occasion to collect my granddaughter both on a Tuesday and a Wednesday and found traffic again at a standstill and the roadworks still deserted.

We must ask what are we dealing with here? One alarming explanation springs to mind – we are dealing with vampires! Roadworks that are only capable of being manned by creatures who shun daylight. The good folk of Oakworth need some reassurance that if this is the case, liberal supplies of garlic will be available free at the point of need. I understand stakes are already available in the churchyard of Oakworth Parish Church.

Tim Appelbee, Sutton-in-Craven

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