Keighley News - Memorials

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In Memoriam


KIRKPATRICK Calum 9.5.1972 - 9.9.1998 Dear son and brother, precious memories still fresh as the…
Published on 05/09/2024
In Memoriam


HARTLEY Marilyn 9th September 2020 Not an hour or a day passes I don't think of you. Love Forever,…
Published on 05/09/2024
In Memoriam

Nigel Keith DANIEL

DANIEL Nigel Keith 7th September 2017 aged 53. It's been 7 years since your sudden passing and…
Published on 05/09/2024
In Memoriam


LAYFIELD Hannah Passed away 31st August, 1974 Late of Hag Farm In loving memory of my dear mum…
Published on 29/08/2024
In Memoriam


STEWART Dawn "Simply the Best" 29th August 1996 Dawn, to some you may have been forgotten, To…
Published on 29/08/2024
In Memoriam

Cassandra Margaret GOTT

GOTT Cassandra Margaret 21.8.2015 Gone but never forgotten, forever in my thoughts. Love and miss…
Published on 22/08/2024
In Memoriam

Florrie HANSON

HANSON Florrie Died 27th August, 1988. Treasured memories of a very dearly loved mam and grandma.…
Published on 22/08/2024
In Memoriam

Jason Craig GOTT

GOTT Jason Craig 24th August Another birthday has arrived, And wishes sent to heaven. Memories are…
Published on 22/08/2024
In Memoriam

Cassandra Margaret GOTT

GOTT Cassandra Margaret 21st August 2015 Memories we can treasure, The laughs we used to have.…
Published on 22/08/2024
In Memoriam


DANIEL Nigel 20th August Happy 60th Birthday Love and miss you always Melita, Adam and Paws xxx
Published on 22/08/2024
In Memoriam

Raymond Arthur GILL

GILL Raymond Arthur It's been 2 years since you past and left this earth, although it only seems…
Published on 15/08/2024
In Memoriam


FITZPATRICK Naomi Born sleeping 6th August, 1997. I think of all the things I missed, The special…
Published on 08/08/2024