KEIGHLEY Civic Society has been informed by Bradford Council that our application to list the the former Ritz Cinema as an asset of community value has been successful.

We’ve been told, however, that the sale of the building was completed before our application had been considered and approved.

Nonetheless the building will remain on the register of community assets for five years and, should the new owners wish to sell the building during that time, Keighley Civic Society will be informed and a six-month moratorium imposed on any sale so that we and the community can bid for the building and put forward a business case for its economically viable use by our communities, voluntary groups, businesses and individuals.

And in the meantime, we’ll be keeping ourselves abreast of any planning applications submitted to the council, so that we can ensure the iconic art deco design features of the building are preserved, if not enhanced.

If any commercial, voluntary or public bodies would like to register an interest in being involved in such a possible future venture please contact me by email –

Thank you.

Jane Lee, secretary, Keighley Civic Society