PAT Jones re-visited Keighley Art Club after a break of two years and gave members many tips during her watercolour demonstration.

Pat holds monthly teaching sessions on Saturdays at Kelbrook.

On arrival she set up the freehand drawing she had created from her own photography of Botton Head Farm.

She took the image at an angle to minimise the need for perspective. Experience shows this reduces the need to consciously comply with this type of technicality.

Most of Pat's works are based on farm scenes. However, she also paints flowers and is experimenting with painting birds. She works most evenings and produces a variety of paintings, greetings cards and notebooks.

As she applies the stage one washes the original drawing can still be seen when dry.

Starting with the sky the Watmans 200 gram paper is made wet with clean water. Prepared Ultra is then quickly added, leaving central white gaps, and then the paper is dried with a hairdryer.

The whole of the lower part of the scene is washed on dry paper with a mix of water and Aurioli and also thin, raw Sienna to depict the stonework.

Pat then adds a stronger mix of light red and ultramarine blue Sienna to pick out the stones on the sweeping front wall, which serves to lead the viewer's eye into the heart of the picture.

The stones are painted as being larger in the foreground.

Not every stone is painted and the raw Sienna applied to the still damp stones allows for a pleasing "bleeding" effect. White gaps are still evident to give the impression of light and shade.

Next we see the second of three ways of painting walls, this time on the gable end of the barn.

More solid shapes are created, dried then a wash added to create shadow.

The third tip is to dot clean water onto a distant wall, then gently dabbing this with a tissue.

Grasses and fields require various shades of green. None of these are from tubes of paint as tube greens do not match the colours of nature.

Mostly Pay uses a brush size six but a Rigeur brush is very good at portraying grasses towards the foreground of the painting.

She showed members an interesting tip which helps to separate adjoining objects.

Here, a dark line of paint is placed along the lightest area and, with a dry brush and clean water this is dragged and smoothed onto the lighter side while still damp.

Shadowy areas are created using a damp but not wet brush. A light red and ultramarine mix is used.

At the end of the session Pat very generously donated the demonstration artwork to the club.

This means we now own three of her paintings. She is pictured here presenting her latest work to club member Mick Ford.

See Facebook for more details of our club's activities and don't miss our class on sunsets by Viv O'Connell on June 15 or our demonstration by Jeremy Taylor on June 22.