Some games offer some light relief on the fitness front but UFC Personal Trainer, on the Xbox 360 Kinect, gives you a full on workout. With trainers from the UFC fighting world you don't mess with them -- you do as you are told.

The Kinect is an ideal platform for this type of fitness game: with the Wii or Playstation Move you need cumbersome controllers, with the Kinect you get a controller-free interface and a system that accurately monitors your movements.

The game starts by assessing your level of fitness. Once this has been established you choose your trainer and begin developing your workout routine. This may include things like press-ups, squats and sit-ups, or fighting-oriented activities like jabs, punches and kicks on the punch bags.

The graphics are okay, but you expect more from a next generation console and although not as much fun as Wii Fit for example, UFC Personal Trainer is solid. As a fitness title it stands out and does give you a serious work out.

Dean Harness