Keighley people have just days left to take advantage of a free insulation scheme.

Bradford Council, with energy company npower, is offering householders cavity wall and loft insulation.

People with less than 60mm of existing loft insulation in their home are eligible.

But anyone interested must register by next Wednesday.

It is estimated that cavity wall insulation reduces a household’s energy bills by about £135 a year and loft insulation by up to £175.

Richard Williamson, the Council’s environment and climate change manager, said: “This scheme directly benefits any household that wants to take up the insulation measures and saves people money off their annual energy bills.

“Due to changes in the way energy efficiency measures are funded and the introduction of the Government’s Green Deal next year, this is likely to be the last opportunity Bradford district residents will have to get free insulation measures for their home – so call today before it's too late.”

People don’t have to be npower customers to take advantage of the Community Warmth scheme.

For further details and a free no-obligation survey, phone 0845 873 0505.