South Craven MP Julian Smith delivered a constituency update of a more personal nature than usual earlier this month.

He told his fellow MPs during a Westminster debate that his wife, Amanda, was expecting a baby.

Mr Smith (left) was speaking during a debate about the percentage of women who sit on corporate boards.

He had been stating that changing social attitudes meant employers were now more understanding of the need to support women staff with childcare needs.

“We also have more enlightened men now,” he added.

“My wife is expecting a baby in a couple of weeks.

“Only three months ago, I was making the case she should stay off work for a year to look after our child, but I have since seen the error of my ways and realised her career is more important. I will be looking to the Minister for nappy changing advice – I hear he is an expert – in order that I can fill the gap.”

Mr Smith was congratulated by other MPs, including the member for West Suffolk, Matthew Hancock, who said his own wife was also expecting a baby.

Mr Hancock joked that the Conservative Whips were looking worried about the prospect of requests for paternity leave.