Kris Hopkins MP has not, as yet, responded to my reasonable request to speculate on the effect of what another influx of economic migrants from Bulgaria and Romania will have on the employment prospects for the unemployed and the already overstretched hospitals, policing, schools and welfare services in Keighley – Speculate on what effect ‘free movement’ will have (Keighley News, August 29).

But Leo Robinson has commented – Trust Mr Cameron to place limits on entry to the UK (Keighley News, September 5) – to my question put to Mr Hopkins. He urges us to place our trust in David Cameron to place limits on economic migration from the EU. But he cautions us to be patient; achingly patient, in fact, because his remedy will be subject to a successful outcome to complex negotiations to renegotiate Britain’s role within the EU at some unspecified point in the future. Well, dream on Mr Robinson. A fat lot of good that is with only weeks to go for the labour market restrictions to end! In contrast to the UK, sovereign nation states, such as Switzerland, Norway, Australia, New Zealand and Canada, are able to responsibly match skilled migration with their economic needs, whereas Britain, as a member of the EU, has surrendered this competency to the EU, as with so many other areas of governance.

UKIP believes we are better off out of the EU in order to govern ourselves as a fully sovereign representative democracy once more.

Anthony Smith Branch secretary, UKIP Yorkshire Dales, Cowling