KEIGHLEY Cougars have launched a pioneering initiative to help jobless young people into work.

The scheme will give people aged 16 to 24 the chance to brush-up on their English and maths, and provide them with work experience with employers in the area.

The placements will cover all types of business, including hospitality, administration, marketing, technical support and ground maintenance.

There will also be classroom sessions at the rugby league club.

Being held in partnership with Workpays Academies, the project runs for eight weeks.

Cougars chairman, Gary Fawcett, said: "This is an exciting opportunity for the club to help the local community by supporting our young people back into work.

"The process of upskilling the candidates in maths and English, coupled with work experience and support in helping them find a job, is a powerful combination. We're proud to be involved."

Paul Thompson, Workpays Academies director, said: "The young people who come on the programme will all want to work but have struggled to find jobs – mainly because they lack experience and a bit of confidence.

"Together with Keighley Cougars and local employers, we are providing the young people with a real chance to gain experience in construction trades, warehouses, kitchens, bars and shops."

E-mail or call 07964 396785 for more details.