A MAN suffering from terminal cancer has issued a plea to former workmates.

David Greenwood, 66, has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, which is associated with exposure to asbestos.

He worked for 44 years with Ellison Circlips Limited, spending time at the firm's Keighley, Harden and Bingley sites.

Mr Greenwood claims that during his working life with the company – which was also known as Ellison Holdings PLC, Transtechnology Ltd and, currently, Cirteq – he was exposed to asbestos dust and fibres.

Leeds-based law firm, Irwin Mitchell, has taken-up his case.

And, in an appeal timed to coincide with Action Mesothelioma Day, ex-colleagues of Mr Greenwood with information about working conditions at that time are being asked to come forward.

Lucy Andrews, an industrial disease lawyer at Irwin Mitchell, said: "Asbestos-related diseases are the biggest occupational killer of all time and mesothelioma kills more than 2,500 people in the UK every year, often impacting people decades after they were exposed to the material.

"It's well-known that asbestos was commonly used in the building trade and utilised in commercial buildings, such as factories and warehouses.

"It is vital, on Action Mesothelioma Day, we raise awareness of the risks the substance poses and the reality of living with mesothelioma.

"Individuals like David continue to be diagnosed with this terrible disease every day, and it is important to raise awareness of the continuing battle people are facing.

"We are appealing to those who worked with David to come forward and provide details on the presence of asbestos at the firm, the warning provided to staff on the dangers of asbestos and what measures, if any, were taken to protect employees."

Mr Greenwood, who is currently undergoing chemotherapy in a bid to control the disease, said: "Mesothelioma has had a huge impact on my life.

"The treatment I'm undergoing has left me feeling weak, caused me to lose my appetite and left me relying on friends and family more than ever. I'm worried about what the future holds for me.

"I'm hoping some of my former colleagues will come forward with any information they have."

Anyone able to help is asked to contact Samantha Lauriston via Samantha.Lauriston@IrwinMitchell.com or call 0113 2186444.

Cirteq was contacted by the Keighley News for a comment but it had not responded as we went to press.