I READ with interest the article on fortnightly bin collections – Bin collections to go fortnightly after pilot (Keighley News, February 16).

It is essential we recycle as much as possible to save the resources of this world.

The key point here is the council must take a much wider range of items for recycling.

One of the most important is Tetra Pak cartons, as these take-up such a large volume in the general waste.

Unfortunately, we live in an age where just about everything we buy has so much wrapping on it and so it is essential the manufactures do their bit, too, and use products that are easily recyclable for wrapping.

The problem I have is that because access to my property is difficult, I’ve been provided with just a small recycling box, and often it is full at the time of collection. So, if I am able to recycle more items, I will need an additional recycling box. The council will need to automatically provide these boxes to properties of this nature.

There will also be problems for properties with a large number of occupants, as I suspect the bins will not be large enough to take the additional waste caused by the fortnightly collections compared to the weekly collections. This will lead to bags of rubbish lying about the place and create problems with vermin.

The huge downside to fortnightly general waste collection is the fact certain waste items will start to decompose and create a terrible smell. This can be a problem in the summer months even with weekly collections, and so fortnightly collection will just exacerbate this.

I note the pilot scheme is taking place now in the winter period when the decomposition and potential smell will be at its lowest. Had the pilot scheme been run in the summer months, I suspect this matter would have been raised as an issue of concern by many of those involved.

JOHN COLLINSON Oldfield Lane, Oldfield