HOMEOWNERS in the region have staying power!

A survey has found that people in Yorkshire on average remain in the same house for over ten-and-half years.

And the top reasons given for staying put were value for money, friends and family living nearby, job opportunities and good schools.

The region was ranked fourth out of 11 nationally in the research, carried out by home interiors firm Hillarys.co.uk.

Top of the table was Wales, at 13 years 11 months.

Yorkshire came in at 10 years eight months.

Bottom of the pile was London, where on average people stay in the same home for under seven years.

The survey also found that 67 per cent of homeowners who had considered selling-up and moving house before the Covid-19 pandemic have decided not move until more certain times.

Lucy Askew, for Hillarys.co.uk, said: “’It’s interesting to see such a high percentage of people wanting to stay put. Of course coronavirus is changing people’s minds about moving, especially in the immediate future, but there is still a high level of home satisfaction.”