LOCAL sight-loss charity, sight airedale, would like to thank the community for its support during the pandemic.

Like many charities, the organisation has seen its usual fundraising sources dry-up as events held in aid of the cause have been cancelled, along with loss of income from room hire.

The charity, which supports over 500 people living in Keighley and surrounding areas, also receives no funding from national sight loss organisations nor the Government, plus it has been unable to undertake its usual supermarket store collections due to the pandemic.

We have continued to receive donations in the form of legacies and funeral collections. Everyone at sight airedale always feels honoured when family or friends choose to remember someone special by giving us a gift.

Since going into lockdown in March 2020, and having to stop face-to-face services, the charity has continued to offer support to local people living with sight loss in the following ways:

* Telephone helpline – this has continued to operate as normal, maintaining contact with members and offering information.

* Digital Audiobook Library – this has helped keep people entertained during lockdown with access to over 2,000 audiobooks on an MP3 memory stick.

* Transcription Service – this has converted printed documents into accessible electronic formats.

* Daily Living Shop – we’ve continued to supply equipment designed to make life living with sight loss easier * and are now able to offer virtual appointments via Zoom.

* Technology Information Service – we’ve continued to offer a limited amount of training and support.

Anyone who wants to know more about sight airedale can visit the website at sightairedale.org.uk or contact the helpline on 01535 602354 Monday to Thursday, 9.30am to 12.30pm.

Sight airedale, Albert Street, Keighley

* Email your letters to alistair.shand@keighleynews.co.uk