YORKSHIRE Day is being celebrated in Keighley next weekend.

The town council is staging an event at Church Green on both the Saturday (July 31) and Sunday, Yorkshire Day itself, between 10am and 4pm.

Attractions will include children’s rides, face painting, stalls by charities and businesses, plus food and drink.

There will also be a live music tent showcasing talent such as BOLT Academy Choir, Bradford Concert Band and Hi Energy Dance.

Charities with fundraising and information stalls will include Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice Manorlands, Martin House Hospice and Dementia Friendly Keighley.

Refreshments will be provided by locally-based businesses and Keighley Shared Church.

Town mayor, Councillor Julie Adams, said: “We are very excited for the Yorkshire Day weekend.

“It promises to be a great community event for all the family to enjoy.”

For further details and an event schedule, visit the Keighley Town Council Facebook page.