A NEW longer-term partnership agreement could be introduced to provide a targeted emotional wellbeing service for children in South Craven and across North Yorkshire.

Public consultation has been launched over the proposal, which if agreed would be introduced next April.

Currently, North Yorkshire County Council commissions the emotional wellbeing service as part of the Healthy Child Programme. There is also a school-based service, commissioned by North Yorkshire Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG).

Under the new arrangement, the organisations would work in partnership over a five-year period – rather than tendering the contract every two to three years.

The county council says the so-called Section 75 agreement would potentially allow it and the CCG to work together more effectively to deliver services.

County Councillor Janet Sanderson, executive member for children’s services, said: “A five-year arrangement would allow the agencies involved to work together more effectively to deliver emotional and mental wellbeing services to children and young people in need of support.

“We believe it will put the facility on a more solid footing and enable us to provide a more holistic, joined-up service for children and young people in the county who need targeted support.

“The aim of the service is to improve outcomes for children and young people’s mental health by strengthening the range of support available.

“We hope that working in this way will help improve the numbers of children and young people reporting good emotional health in our biannual school-based survey, Growing up in North Yorkshire.

“There will be clear information on how to access early support and where and how to get specialist help if required. We hope that children and young people will have a good experience with the service and feel safe, involved and respected.”

To give your views, visit northyorks.gov.uk/ehs75.

Alternatively, email EmotionalHealth.AndWellbeing@northyorks.gov.uk.

Anyone having difficulty accessing the information can call 01609 780780.

The consultation closes on November 8.