LIFE in the 1940s and 50s was spotlighted at the latest meeting of Keighley Men's Forum.

Nearly 40 members were present for a talk by David W Davies, on Britain at Ease – Life and Leisure 1945 to 59.

He said that in the mid 1940s, most people worked five-and-a-half days a week and had just one week's annual holiday.

His screen photos ranged from shots of the 1948 Olympic Games to popular local public parks and ­– sometimes dangerous – children's swings and roundabouts.

A forum spokesperson said: "Boys played football in streets devoid of parked cars, and girls played hopscotch.

"General discipline was good, with 'wartime queuing' during peacetime.

"Holidays to seaside resorts, coach trips and family holiday camps – such as Butlins – became very popular as incomes improved.

"In the early 50s motor scooters, motorbikes and small cars provided individual freedom of movement."

Mr Davies concluded his talk with a look back at popular radio shows, cinema and early TV programmes.

He was thanked by Roger Moody.

The forum meets in a room below Keighley Playhouse, in Devonshire Street, on Thursdays. Doors open at 9.30am. There is tea, coffee and biscuits and meetings start at 10.15am.