CROSS Hills woman Nora Watson took-up knitting during lockdown.

And her creative skills, which saw her produce over 150 colourful characters, have boosted Oxenhope Sue Ryder hospice Manorlands.

She and friends Caroline Furzeland and Jean Sharp held a knitted-toy tombola, raising over £400.

Nora said: "My brother – Jean's husband – was supported by Sue Ryder before he passed away and Caroline's husband was also cared for at Manorlands. Supporting the hospice with the tombola was a nice way to help it."

It is hoped to start a Manorlands volunteer fundraising group covering the Cross Hills, Glusburn and Sutton area.

For more details, email

Also, an informal meeting is being held at the Dog and Gun Inn, Glusburn, on Monday (December 6), at 7pm.