By Nick Risidi, of Amici Ristorante in East Parade, Keighley, who revisits his Italian roots for another taste of the Mediterranean

NEW year, new me – that’s what they say, right?

After a December packed with eating, drinking and being generally merry, the new year is thought to be the ideal time to try to be a better version of yourself. Something newer, an improved version, someone a little healthier at least. Most of us will start the new year swearing to eat better and to move more. It is an admirable thing to do and not always an easy challenge. After a fun festive season, going into the new year, with dreary dark days, and bleak weather, it doesn’t exactly feel like the right time to eat salads and go out for runs.

New year’s resolutions are said to have started with the Babylonians – over 4,000 years ago. They were the first to celebrate the new year, although for them it started in mid-March when the crops were planted, and not in January like we celebrate it these days.

A very similar practice occurred in ancient Rome, which is much closer to the way we celebrate it now. When the early Roman calendar was no longer in synchronisation with the sun, Julius Caesar decided it was time to make a change. After consulting with several astronomers and mathematicians, he introduced the Julian calendar, which more closely represents the modern calendar we use. Caesar declared January 1 as the first day of the year, to honour the god of new beginnings, Janus. The Romans would celebrate the new year by offering sacrifices to Janus. Janus had two faces — one that looked forward and one that looked back, allowing him to view the past and the future. This is why, on December 31, Romans would imagine Janus looking back over the past year, and forward over the year ahead, and this is what would inspire them to make positive changes – to make themselves better people moving forwards, as well as forgive their enemies for things that happened in the past. These were basically the new year’s resolutions we make today.

These days, our new year’s resolutions tend to be more about self-improvement generally and it is far easier to make a change, now that there are so many movements to get on board with, and with all sorts of alternatives being so readily available.

One such initiative that people like to participate in post-holidays is Dry January. Dry January is an annual campaign during which millions of people give-up alcohol for the month, meaning from the moment you wake-up with that first hangover of the new year, until February 1, participants don’t consume a drop of alcohol. Dry January is not only for those who want/need to drink less, but for anyone hoping to make a positive change to their health – and to their bank balance too, which can also be needed after Christmas.

Then we have Veganuary. With more people than ever switching to a plant-based diet, it is easier to avoid consuming animal products in your diet, and Veganuary is an ideal time to try, with supermarket shelves overflowing with vegan alternatives to your favourite foods.

Many Italian dishes are vegan, just because they are, not because anything has been removed – alcohol-free too, so give my recipe a guilt-free go to kickstart your health kick this year.



Serves 4


250g fettuccine

2 tbsp olive oil

100g broccoli florets

100g asparagus, chopped

100g peas

5 small courgettes, julienned

200ml vegetable stock

30g vegan hard cheese

1 clove garlic

Chopped parsley

Salt and pepper


1. Fill a large pan with water and add a little salt before placing the pan on a high heat and brining the water to the boil.

2. Add your pasta to the pan of water. The length of time you cook your pasta for will vary depending on the instructions on the packet.

3. Chop the asparagus into short stems, roughly 3-4cm in length. Julienne your courgettes by chopping off both ends and cut them in half before cutting the courgettes into thin strips. Set the asparagus and the courgettes aside with your broccoli florets and the peas.

4. When your pasta is approaching being half cooked take a saute pan and heat 2 tbsp olive oil. Place the pan on a medium heat until the olive oil is hot, and then add your asparagus, broccoli and peas. Chop your clove of garlic by squashing it with the flat side of the knife, pressing down on it with your hand until you feel it crack. Peel the skin from the garlic with your hands before chopping it horizontally and then vertically until it is in very small pieces. Add to the pan.

5. Saute the vegetables to the point where they are still crisp, and still bright green in colour. Add the stock to the pan and cook until the liquid reduces. Add salt and pepper to the pan to taste.

6. This should time well with your pasta, which should be ready now. Drain the pasta.

7. Throw the drained pasta into the pan with the vegetables and toss.

9. Add the chopped parsley and stir/toss the pasta again.

10. Serve immediately, sprinkling with vegan-friendly cheese and salt and pepper to taste if desired.