MEMBERS of Keighley's Ukrainian community are uniting behind an emergency appeal as their homeland faces the threat of a Russian invasion – and they are asking fellow townspeople for their support.

Churches and community organisations across the UK have launched the #HelpUkraine Emergency Appeal, which is raising money for humanitarian and medical aid in the event of war.

A build-up of Russian troops and military hardware on the Ukrainian border has sparked growing fears of a war, threatening to put millions of vulnerable families at risk.

Stefan Pryimuk, who chairs the Keighley branch of the Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain, said: "Ukraine has already suffered seven years of conflict, which has killed 14,000 Ukrainian soldiers and civilians and displaced 1.4 million people from their homes.

"If Russia further invades Ukraine, it will create the biggest humanitarian crisis in Europe since the Second World War. The elderly, vulnerable, children and families will lose their homes and access to medical and other vital services.

"The Ukrainian community in Keighley has been here for many years – with a lot of their parents and grandparents coming to the UK as refugees after the Second World War. Many have family in Ukraine and are deeply concerned for their safety.

"The UK signed the Budapest Memorandum along with the US and Russian Federation in 1994 to respect the independence, sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine. The UK and US have always strongly supported Ukraine on the international stage and have helped develop its democratic institutions. We appeal to our community friends to donate and help the millions of families in Ukraine facing cold, hunger and violence.

"We aim to raise at least £50,000 and more for aid agencies in Ukraine to distribute medical packs, food, blankets and other humanitarian help for those affected."

The association's Keighley branch is based in Henry Street.

* Donations can be made to the central appeal fund Association of Ukrainians in Great Britain Limited, Barclays Bank account 80038237, 20-65-89, reference HelpUkraine, or go to