I HAVE been peripherally involved with the Good Shepherd Ukraine Relief project in Keighley.

It has been an astonishing four weeks of seemingly endless donations from the people of West Yorkshire, of packing, transporting, lorry-loading and dispatching to Poland by volunteers at the centre on West Lane.

It’s a supreme irony that an awful war against an innocent nation can create such compassion in peoples not remotely connected to that country. I have been moved, almost to tears, by the generosity of ordinary folk here, and by the energy, organisation and above all by the compassion of the many Polish organisers and their community.

Polish people have seemed to me since a child to be a people of work, welcome and kindness. What is happening in centres such as Medyka and Krapkowice is mirrored and fed by the Polish people in Keighley and the area and proves my belief.

It’s almost impossible for me to express my gratitude to Dorota and Evelina and their volunteers for lifting my spirits and giving us all a renewed hope in humanity. Kocham was wszystkich : I love you all.


Allan Friswell
