A TEAM from Beckfoot Oakbank School in Keighley was amongst the winners in a national competition.

The students won the innovation award in the FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science and Technology) Lego League.

Entrants researched, designed and made prototypes to solve 'real world' issues.

As part of this season's Institute of Engineering and Technology initiative, teams had to find ways of transporting cargo more efficiently.

Lucy Owen, for FIRST Lego League, said: "The competition enables young people to experience engineering in action.

"As well as bringing excitement to STEM subjects, it gives the students hands-on experience with robotics and designing innovative solutions. Developing computer programming, teamwork, problem-solving and communications skills has never been so much fun and it gives students an insight into the creative and innovative careers that engineering presents."

Cheryl Moore, the team coach at Beckfoot Oakbank, said: "This season's team has worked incredibly hard. Members showed great skills in combining the robotic and project challenge. They gave-up their lunch and after-school time to practice.

"Their achievement shouldn't be underestimated – 500 teams enter the challenge in England and Wales and 64 go to the finals. Our team beat everyone to have the best innovation project."