A WILSDEN man could be forgiven for feeling bullish after his latest show success.

David Mitchell achieved the first prize pen of five continental heifers Blues at the inaugural Grass Day show and sale of stirks, at Skipton Auction Mart.

The animals subsequently sold for £660 per head.

Seven pen-judged classes featured at the event.

And the fixture – for stirks, weaned calves and young store cattle – attracted an entry of more than 200.

Show judge was Stephen Lofthouse, from Grewelthorpe.

"There was a good mixed turnout – producing trade on a par with the previous collective," said a spokesperson.

"Both Limousin bullocks and heifers were in high demand, especially the suckler-bred end.

"And a nice selection of breeding sheep was also forward, with section prices peaking at £170 per outfit for North of England mule ewes."

A second Grass Day event is scheduled for Saturday, May 14.