FIRSTLY I would like to thank the Keighley News for printing details of my letter to Cllr Susan Hinchcliffe regarding Bradford Council's ‘non’ support of Yorkshire Day celebrations and Keighley in general.

It beggars belief that Cllr Hinchcliffe refutes the claims in my factual letter to her. She says, and I quote, “I don’t know where Julie has got this from”. I would say that I got it from a two-line email sent to me and the town council office which states: "We don’t wish to partake in organising any events related to Yorkshire Day. It would however be relevant to invite the District Mayor which can be done via instructions on"

It is also concerning that I am expected to pick-up the phone to ask the questions I have asked in my letter. I have always believed that issues of high importance deserve to be dealt with in the proper manner, in this case putting my concerns in writing to ensure that nothing is missed and, more importantly, to ensure that I have a proper paper trail where nothing can be misconstrued.

I did not send an "angry" letter, I sent a letter stating facts, facts that I believed and still believe deserve answers.

Cllr Hinchcliffe said "I had a meeting with our chief executive before the elections instructing that I want Bradford Council to be heavily involved in the organisation of this major event for Keighley and the wider district". I would say that Keighley has been chosen to host this event, not the wider district, and Bradford Council should be pulling out all the stops to help make this special event an absolute showstopper. As it is, Cllr Hinchcliffe has yet to respond to my letter to her, save for her comments to the Keighley News. This saddens me, however it does not surprise me.

The people of Keighley have been truly let down by those in City Hall, and not just because of this particular issue. It is time the electorate’s voices were heard instead of being ignored by those who are supposed to represent them.

Cllr Julie Adams, Keighley Town Council