PEOPLE across the Keighley district are being urged to give blood.

The plea has been issued by NHS Blood and Transplant.

It says there has been a drop in blood stock levels, due to factors including staff and donor absences because of illness.

And demand for supplies is increasing as hospitals catch up on a backlog of routine activity postponed due to the pandemic.

An NHS Blood and Transplant spokesperson said: "We currently have blood to meet demand, but stocks have dropped and we need to stop them falling further. We urgently need more people to book donor appointments.

"If you are one of our amazing donors in the Bradford district, or want to donate for the first time, please make and keep an appointment.

"If you used to donate blood but haven’t done so in a while, please come back if you can – our fantastic team will be delighted to welcome you. Every appointment counts."

There is a particular need for O positive blood, with national levels at around three days, but all types are welcome.

For more details and to make an appointment, visit, call 0300 123 23 23 or download the NHS Give Blood app.