REGIONAL health chiefs are encouraging young people from the district to consider a career in the NHS.

The variety of roles available – from hospital-based posts in medical, nursing and allied professions, to the 15-plus career paths within general practice – is being spotlighted.

Dr Yvette Oade – acting regional medical director with NHS England, North East and Yorkshire – said: "The NHS is undoubtedly one of the most rewarding places to work, where you can make a real difference to people’s lives.

"There are so many different roles available and the NHS will always need new people to join.

"Working in the NHS is a fulfilling and varied career – making it a strong choice for anyone considering their options at the moment."

Different jobs that exist within GP surgeries have recently been showcased as part of a Meet Your General Practice Team campaign. More details can be found at

Supporters of the latest initiative include Shiv Mistry, a clinical pharmacist, who says: "I chose to become a pharmacist because I’ve always had an interest in medications and the way they treat conditions. I have family members who are also pharmacists, so I’ve got that exposure through them."