A KEIGHLEY man is appearing on the festive edition of a Channel 4 dating show.

Steve Sprange features on First Dates at Christmas, being screened on Tuesday, December 27, at 9pm.

After going through a divorce several years ago, he felt the time was now right to seek a new relationship.

So Steve, who is co-ordinator of the Good Food Keighley 'social supermarket', applied to take part in the show.

"Surprisingly I received a call and interviewed successfully," he says.

"It has been a rocky journey for me over the past five years, but I have come out of it better and mentally stronger. My life is great. I have the perfect job – running the Good Food shop, bringing surplus and donated food items to support people who are financially struggling. But one thing was missing, and that was love."



In the show, Steve dates a vicar.


"She's a lovely lady but unfortunately it didn't work out," he says. "We have remained friends, however I am still searching for 'Ms right'."

* The Good Food shop welcomes donations of foodstuffs or toiletries. There is a donation point in Keighley bus station, or call Steve on 07801 268122.