A BATTLE against controversial plans to close Keighley tip is gaining momentum.

Labour-run Bradford Council is proposing to shut the Royd Ings Avenue household waste recycling centre as part of its budget package.

But the planned move has sparked opposition from across the town's political divide.

Keighley Labour councillors and election candidates, together with the party's parliamentary candidate John Grogan, have spoken out against the proposal and are urging the public to have its say as part of the council consultation – at online1.snapsurveys.com/interview/5720ccb4-dd6e-4aac-86f5-45de13f29bb7.

In a joint statement, they said: "The Royd Ings Avenue site not only caters for a large number of people across Keighley, but is a key asset in the district-wide battle against fly-tipping.

"We of course realise the great financial difficulties facing the council. Since 2010, Bradford Council has had to make over £300 million worth of spending cuts due to loss of Government grant. At the same time, demand on core council services such as social care for children and adults has only increased.

"Through these unprecedented times, the council has always had to make tough choices as it tries to fund key services and balance the books. This year alone, it is proposing to commit £28.4 million from reserves.

"Despite this context, we have to find another way of making savings in the new year which do not involve the closure of the Keighley waste tip."

Keighley's Conservative MP, Robbie Moore, is also against the plan and has launched a petition opposing the move – at robbiemoore.org.uk/SaveOurTip.

He says: "Residents and businesses from across Keighley and our wider area are quite rightly infuriated by Labour-run Bradford Council's ill thought through tip closure plans. The ridiculous proposals will undoubtedly increase fly-tipping in the area and congestion at alternative sites, and cut an essential service for local people.

"I am urging everyone who opposes these plans, no matter what their political views, to sign my petition.

"Once again, the political leadership of Bradford Council are determined to give Keighley a rough deal. They can blame the Government all they want, but they bear the sole responsibility for this decision. If Bradford Council can find hundreds of thousands of pounds for vanity projects in the city centre, then it certainly has the capacity to u-turn on these foolish and incredibly short-sighted proposals."