BRADFORD Council chief executive Kersten England is retiring in June.

She is stepping down after eight years in the post – and more than three decades in local government.

"It’s been a privilege to work with so many brilliant people in the district who are so dedicated to its success," she said.

"I want to hand the baton over to the next chief executive to give them a great start. We are working hard to support councillors to set a budget next month, to get the Bradford District Children and Families Trust up and running from April and to run a set of local elections in May. There’s also important work to be done to ensure we are ready to deliver a fabulous year of culture in 2025.

"Though I will step away in June I will never stop being a champion and advocate for Bradford district, not least because I’ve made my home here for over 30 years.”

Tribute is paid by council leader, Councillor Susan Hinchcliffe.

She said: "I want to thank Kersten for all she has done for the district over the last eight years.

"Her personal energy, drive and belief in our place have been tremendous but after eight years in post, I know she would now like to retire to explore other interests. Even though she is retiring, as a local resident she will continue to take a keen interest in the progress of the district and will enjoy the City of Culture celebrations in 2025 which she has played such a big part in securing for us.”