AN adventurous cat which got stuck up a tree for two days was eventually abseiled to the ground.

The intrepid two-year-old moggie bit off more than he could chew when he climbed the tree, in Tim Lane, Oakworth, and then became marooned 15 metres up.

His anxious owners contacted the RSPCA when attempts to coax him down failed.

After assessing the situation, RSPCA animal rescue officer Emmeline Myall called West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, but its equipment was unable to reach the stranded cat.

Keighley-based Airedale Tree Surgeons was then alerted, and it sent three members of staff.

"The safest way to rescue the cat was by abseiling him down," says Emmeline.

"Once he was down, the cat ran and hid in a rabbit burrow – it’d been quite an ordeal for him! Happily he was unharmed and his owners were relieved for him to go home.

"It was very much a joint rescue operation. It's another reminder of what we can all achieve together for animal welfare.

"When cats get stuck up trees, in a majority of cases they can get themselves down.

"I'm just so pleased that this cat is now safe and back with his family."