NEARLY 600 fines have been issued to motorists in the district caught throwing litter from their vehicles.

The figure has been revealed by Bradford Council, which now has litter enforcement cameras installed at four hotspot locations across the area.

A further 15 cameras are to be provided in the coming months.

Under legislation introduced in 2020, local authorities can fine the registered keepers of vehicles when litter is spotted being dropped.

Councillor Sarah Ferriby, the council's portfolio holder for healthy people and places, says: "Littering from vehicles is both a mindless and potentially dangerous act, which could cause an obstruction to other drivers, as well as looking unpleasant and unsightly.

"The cameras are proving an effective means of catching offenders but we also need people to report such incidents, and businesses to get on board, to echo this message and do their bit to reduce waste."

Anyone who sees litter being dropped from a vehicle, and has an image on dash cam, is asked to report it at

The council says it is also working with fast food and takeaway businesses to reduce litter and waste packaging, and is helping them with equipment to carry out regular clean ups.