THE proposed bridge over the Aire Valley trunk road at Steeton-Silsden was mentioned recently in the Keighley News, however I am at a loss to understand why this expensive bridge needs to be built at all.

Wouldn't it be simpler to put traffic lights there instead? This roundabout is constantly blocked at peak times, and a bridge would not improve this problem, however traffic lights would give motorists and pedestrians the opportunity to cross equally.

The millions of pounds it would cost to build the bridge could be put to better use, for example putting a road over the railway line at Cross Hills where, when the train barrier is down, traffic backs up to the roundabout at the end of the trunk road.

I've made several trips along Leeds ring road recently and the traffic lights work very well with the many roundabouts, and these roundabouts are the same as this one.

Jennifer Greenwood, Silsden

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