SOUTH Craven entrepreneurs are being given the chance to learn more about funding options for start-ups and expanding businesses.

A free event, including a workshop and speakers, is being staged on Monday, March 27.

Show Us The Money takes place at the Craven Council offices in Belle Vue Square, Skipton, between 9am and noon.

A spokesperson says: "The open forum will include short presentations from experts in their respective fields.

"Delegates will gain a broader understanding of the scope of business finance options available across the spectrum, from crowdfunding to equity finance.

"Evaluating which is the best option for a business at a particular time is complex and can be the difference between success and failure in challenging times. The event will explore Government grant funding, bank overdrafts and loan options, deals and equity from investment banks, private finance and crowdfunding methods."

Speakers will include Cat Smith, of British Business Bank, a Government-owned organisation that can help businesses access finance, and Kris Keighley, from regional grant programme Ad-Venture.

The event is one of a series being held by Craven Council with financial support from the European Regional Development Fund.

To book a place at the event, visit