OXENHOPE Climate Action has started work on a second series of growing projects in the village.

The recently-formed group has been given the chance to transform an area of land in the centre of Oxenhope, owned by Christian charity Mercy UK, into a wildlife-friendly space.

Volunteers from Oxenhope Climate Action have planted the first phase of an orchard, some of which will in future be accessible to the public from a neighbouring footpath.

Other plans include the rewilding of a grassed area, planting pollinator-friendly plants and installing owl, bat and bird boxes.

Project leader, Nick Ackroyd, says: "We have received tremendous support from across the village for Oxenhope Climate Action, and Mercy UK has been very generous in providing the area of land for this latest environmental project."

For further details about Oxenhope Climate Action, and a range of information such as tips on reducing energy consumption, go to oxenhopeclimateaction.org.uk.