NETWORK Rail has pledged its commitment to the long-awaited refurb of Keighley's crumbling railway station.

The company has responded after anger was voiced at continued delays to the desperately-needed work.

Funding of £9 million is 'ringfenced' for the refurbishment, which was first mooted years ago.

But there is still no sign of the project – which would include renovations to the canopies at the front of the historic Bradford Road building, plus extensive roof repairs and other structural work to the rest of the station – getting underway.

Amongst those pushing for action is Keighley MP Robbie Moore, who is calling for a Parliamentary debate to "hold Network Rail accountable" for the delays.

And the issue has been raised with the Secretary of State for Transport, Mark Harper.

Network Rail has said it understands how "crucial" the scheme is, and that design work is ongoing.

Matt Rice, the company's north and east route director, says: "We remain committed to carrying out major improvements at Keighley railway station, and know just how crucial this work is.

"Carrying out upgrades on this scale takes time, but I am pleased to say we are moving forward with the project, and we’re now working on detailed designs.

"We expect to begin work onsite this autumn and look forward to completing the project so that all those who use Keighley railway station can reap the benefits."