PEOPLE across the Keighley district are being urged to take part in a survey aimed at helping to save one of Britain's fastest declining mammals.

Wildlife charity the People’s Trust for Endangered Species is seeking volunteers to help with the water vole study, which runs until June 15.

People are asked to visit a local waterway for signs of the mammal, and then record their findings online at

Emily Sabin, for the trust, says: "Water voles continue to experience an ongoing decline. They are now facing extinction in Britain thanks to historical agricultural intensification, habitat loss and fragmentation, and predation from non-native American mink.

"We’re asking volunteers to look out for water voles and the signs that they leave behind, from footprints to droppings. Any sightings or signs of American mink should also be recorded.

"Last year, 216 sites were surveyed, with 85 showing signs of water voles. This builds on 2021 data, when 116 sites were surveyed with 47 indicating water vole presence.

"We really hope even more people can take part this year to help us further understand how water voles are faring.

"No prior experience is needed."

For more details and to take part, visit