A BIRD watch walk was held in Keighley's Cliffe Castle Park.

Twenty-one species were identified, visually or by song.

The early-morning walk was organised by Cliffe Castle Support Group and led by John Preshaw.

"His knowledge was both interesting and inspiring and everyone discovered a great deal about the winged inhabitants of Cliffe Castle Park!" said a group spokesperson.

"Birds identified included the chiffchaff, willow warbler and a black cap that had flown in from South Africa.

"It was exciting too to see the small, very shy tree creeper and the bigger woodpecker, that is quite often heard but not seen in the park’s woods."

Further events planned include a bat walk next month and bee identification walks during the summer.

Also, a series of monthly counts in support of the pollinator monitoring scheme is being staged, starting on Sunday, May 21.

For more details, visit facebook.com/Cliffecastle.supportgroup or email ccsgcomms@gmail.com.