A KEIGHLEY housing group is urging its tenants to have their say.

Incommunities recently launched an initiative known as customer voice strategy, aimed at giving residents a chance to shape improvements to services and homes.

Now the association is encouraging anyone interested in getting involved to complete an online survey, at bit.ly/3GSWL8G.

Nichola Wright, for Incommunities, says: "We want to make sure every customer has the opportunity to take part and can have their say on our services and homes – whether it’s about repairs, estate management or community-related services.

"We appreciate that people are busy so we want to be flexible and make it as easy as possible to get involved. The level of involvement can differ to suit individual residents, depending on how much time they have available and to what extent they want to participate.

"Any level of involvement is welcome. We are looking at a range of options including face-to-face meetings, or contact via WhatsApp or text messages.

"We would encourage as many people as possible to complete the short survey so that we can establish what is best for them and how they wish to get involved."

The closing date for responses is May 31.