AN Oxenhope man who's registered blind is tackling the Coast to Coast Walk to raise money for the Guide Dogs charity.

Peter Sutcliffe is walking the 192-mile route with his own guide dog, Leo.

Also accompanying him are his wife Karen and four friends, backed up by a support team.

They set off from St Bees, Cumbria, on May 6 and aim to arrive at Robin Hood's Bay, on the east coast, on Saturday, May 20.

An online fundraising page has been set up, at

The target was to raise £1,000, but over £2,800 has been coined in so far.

Peter received the news that a guide dog was available in November, 2020.

Karen says: "What a life changer Leo has been. He's now an established part of our family.

"Guide Dogs have reported a shortage of dogs. Lockdown meant a pause on breeding and puppy training was difficult."