RESIDENTS are being urged to have their say in the battle to save a community pub.

One well-attended public meeting has already been held regarding the future of the Cross Roads Inn premises.

Now a second meeting is planned, at St James' Church Hall, Cross Roads, on Thursday, June 8, at 8pm, to further gauge feedback.

Anyone unable to attend the first is encouraged to go along.

The Cross Roads Inn closed last year.

Prospect Estates Ltd, which owns the building, has applied to Bradford Council for outline permission to demolish the premises and replace it with residential units.

A steering group has produced a business plan to save the pub, including a request for Cross Roads Parish Council to buy the freehold.

Parish council chair, Councillor Tito Arana, says: "We'd like to thank residents who attended the initial public meeting. Those present gave wholehearted support for the project.

"To allow all residents to give their views, another meeting is taking place where the plans will be presented again.

"For the funding request to be met, we feel this second meeting also needs to be well attended, although residents who attended the first are not required to be there again."