SOUTH Craven MP Julian Smith has pledged that ensuring people can access an NHS dentist remains amongst his priorities.

He was speaking during a meeting of the North Yorkshire Council Skipton and Ripon area constituency committee, which he attended to update councillors on his current work locally and in Parliament.

Mr Smith says he has made representations to the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care regarding the availability of dentists in the area.

He said: "Increasing the availability of NHS dentists is a key priority and the Government will shortly be publishing a plan that aims to improve access, whilst making the NHS dental contract more attractive to practices, which I look forward to seeing.

"I will continue to raise the matter with the Secretary of State, as access to dentistry is important to my constituents."

During the meeting, Mr Smith also welcomed the announcement that the Government had approved the construction of a new Airedale Hospital to replace the current, crumbling building.

"It's always valuable to attend the committee meetings to discuss issues of local and national importance and hear the concerns of councillors," he adds.

"I have made representations on various matters to the relevant ministers."