WORK has started on the second phase of improvements to a Keighley town-centre street.

Stone paving and new seating, planters and lighting are being installed in Low Street.

Work, expected to take until early autumn, will be carried out in sections to minimise disruption and enable businesses to operate normally.

As part of the scheme, additional planters and signage will also be provided in Market Street to narrow the carriageway and emphasise the pedestrianisation of the area.

The initiative has been drawn up by Bradford Council’s landscape, design and conservation team and is being financed from the Keighley Towns Fund.

The first phase of improvements was carried out in 2019 at the Church Green end of the street.

Latest work will complete the stretch from Market Street to Hanover Street.

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s executive member for regeneration, planning and transport, says: "It is great to see this work ongoing and the Towns Fund making a real difference. After the first phase we received good feedback and we're sure residents, businesses and visitors will really appreciate these latest improvements."

Ian Hayfield, chair of the Keighley Towns Fund board, said he was "delighted" to see the implementation of another project.