A LONG-awaited major refurbishment of Keighley's crumbling railway station could finally be moving a step closer.

A planning application has been submitted to Bradford Council for extensive renovations to the Grade II listed building.

The scheme will include refurbishment of the canopies at the front of the historic Bradford Road station, plus extensive roof repairs and other structural work to the rest of the building, including the strengthening of footbridges.

Funding of £9 million is 'ringfenced' for the refurb, which was first mooted years ago.

Anger was voiced earlier this year at continued delays to the project.

Amongst those pressing for action was Keighley MP Robbie Moore.

He says he's "thrilled" that a planning application has now been submitted.

Mr Moore adds: "After years of lobbying, numerous meetings with Network Rail and Northern and repeated calls in Parliament for those involved in this project to be held accountable, I am thrilled that a planning application has finally been submitted.

"Keighley Station holds immense historical and cultural significance for our town and serves as a vital transportation hub for our community. It is therefore fantastic to see plans put forward for the upgrade it vitally needs, which will no doubt secure the station long into the future.

"I will continue to closely monitor the progress of this project so that we can ensure the timely completion of these essential refurbishments."

The news is also welcomed by John Grogan, who chaired meetings on the issue in 2018 when he was the town's MP.

He says: "In life, first impressions always count, and for many people Keighley's railway station is the introduction to the town as a whole.

"The station is a big economic driver, giving access to job opportunities wider afield and bringing in tourists throughout the year.

"When I first convened meetings about the refurbishment of the station back in 2018 I think all parties involved had hoped for more rapid progress, but at least plans have at last been submitted.

"Keighley has had a railway station for 176 years and it is crucially important for the future economic prosperity of the whole area that it is an attractive gateway in the years ahead."

Network Rail says there is "significant" corrosion to areas of station footbridge.

The scheme will include improvements to roof drainage to help prevent problems in the future.

A decision on the planning application is expected next month.