A DAUGHTER has paid a fundraising tribute to the Sue Ryder hospice which provided care for her father in the final months of his life.

Nurses from Manorlands at Oxenhope visited Charles Kelly in his home every week to provide specialist care, and emotional support to both him and wife Kim.

Mr Kelly died last September, ten months after being diagnosed with bowel cancer.

Now his daughter, Charlotte Kelly, has completed the 87-mile Dales Way walk, followed by the Windermere Marathon, in support of Sue Ryder.

She has coined-in over £3,000, and an online fundraising page is still open at justgiving.com/fundraising/inmemoryofcharleskelly.

Charlotte walked the Dales Way over five days.

"My dad loved walking and every time I saw something beautiful like a really nice sunrise or sunset I thought of him," says Charlotte.

"I asked Kim which charity she'd like me to support, and she said Sue Ryder without hesitation."