CONTROVERSIAL plans to demolish a pub building and replace it with apartments have been thrown out.

But a campaign to save the former Cross Roads Inn is continuing, and the local parish council could buy the freehold to keep the premises for the community.

Prospect Estates Ltd, which owns the building, had applied for outline permission to bulldoze it and construct a development of 30 flats on the site.

However, Bradford Council has rejected the proposed scheme, saying the loss of one of the few pub premises in the village would impact on the local community.

Concerns were also raised about potential air quality issues for any future residents at the site, which is located on the junction of busy Halifax Road and Haworth Road.

And planners cited the "over dominance" of the proposed building on nearby properties, a lack of detail about how future residents would be impacted by noise from the neighbouring roads, a shortfall in onsite parking spaces and the "loss of a non-designated heritage asset as identified within the Haworth, Cross Roads and Stanbury Neighbourhood Plan".

A spokesperson for the council's clean air team said: "The proposed development would 'enclose' this busy junction, limiting opportunities for pollutant dispersion. This could result in a build-up of pollutants, exposing a significant number of residents to poor air quality. A number of the proposed properties would have no source of natural ventilation other than windows opening directly onto the roadside."

More than 330 people objected to the planning application.

Following the launch of the campaign to save the pub, which closed last year, a steering group produced a business plan that included a request for the local parish council to buy the freehold.

Two public meetings were held to gauge feedback.

Cross Roads Parish Council chair, Councillor Tito Arana, says initial steps are now being taken towards seeking funding for the purchase, but he warns "there is still a long way to go".

He adds: "The parish council has finished its public consultations on whether residents are in favour of purchasing the Cross Roads Inn building.

"The meetings were attended by 156 residents – 93 per cent were in favour of saving the building, and 91 per cent were in favour of raising the precept.

"The parish council has now moved to the next step of applying to the Yorkshire Local Councils Associations for permission to ask the Secretary of State for a public works loan to purchase the building.

"This does not mean that the loan will necessarily be approved, or if it is approved, that it would be in time to submit an offer. There is still a long way to go."

When the campaign to save the building was launched, it attracted widespread support within the community and from further afield.

Amongst those who voiced their backing for the campaigners were local MP Robbie Moore, Labour's Keighley parliamentary candidate John Grogan and Keighley & Craven Campaign for Real Ale.