A FORMER betting shop in Silsden could become a cocktail and wine bar, after plans to turn it into a restaurant fell through.

In 2020 a planning application to convert the former Betfred building in Kirkgate into a restaurant was approved by Bradford Council.

But the application had been submitted just as the Covid-19 pandemic began, and the conversion never took place.

Now a new application for the art deco building has been submitted, this one calling for it to become a “high end” bar.

Submitted by Ben Gill, the application says: “The previous venture was never pursued, this is due to economic decline within the hospitality industry.

“The main thrust of the new business is to operate as a high end wine/cocktail bar serving continental and international wines and exquisite cocktails.

“By promoting change on this part of Kirkgate, the proposal will serve to stimulate activity in this area to complement adjacent retail activity and promote early evening patronage in the area.”

The Betfred branch shut in 2019, and the ground floor of the building has been empty since.

Silsden Town Council has said it has no objections "in principle" to the application, but has raised concerns regarding parking.