KEIGHLEY businesses are receiving a boost from the Towns Fund.

Ten firms across the area have shared in more than £180,000 since the fund's business growth programme was launched in the last quarter of 2022.

Three businesses in Shipley have also benefited.

Funding has been spent on projects ranging from the expansion of premises to replacing equipment.

Thirty-five full-time jobs have been created.

Keighley firms to benefit have included Yorkshire Precision Engineering Ltd, which was supported to invest in a new type of lathe to increase production and enable the development of new products for the healthcare sector.

Managing director, Sam Laybourne, says: "Applying for the grant was straightforward and we have had great support throughout.

"We were grateful to receive the funding, which has allowed us to secure some vital new business that in turn will create more jobs."

Byworth Boilers Ltd, which manufactures industrial boilers, was awarded funding towards new equipment which will enable the company to increase capacity and improve productivity. Five new jobs will be created.

And Pave Haworth deli and bistro received a grant to help it extend into neighbouring premises.

Andrew Briton, for Pave Haworth, says: "An amazing opportunity arose to extend our premises into the vacant property next door. With the help of Keighley Towns Fund, we were able to take on the lease and complete the work needed for expansion. This has increased sales and enabled us to create a number of new jobs."

Ian Hayfield, chair of Keighley Towns Fund, says: "We are delighted to have made such a significant difference to local businesses in a relatively short space of time.

"The funding will have an impact for years to come and the successful growth of our business community will help drive real social and economic change for the whole area."

Councillor Alex Ross-Shaw, Bradford Council’s portfolio holder for regeneration, planning and transport, says: "It’s so positive to see how this funding is already translating into growth for the businesses that have received it so far and the welcome creation of new jobs for the area.

"It's a huge boost for the economies of Keighley and Shipley in an increasingly difficult economic climate."

The business growth programme is part of the £33m Government-funded Keighley Towns Fund.

Grants of between £1,500 and £315,000 are available for businesses within, or looking to move into, the Towns Fund areas.

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