TWO caring pupils at a Keighley-district secondary school have raised nearly £300 for Cancer Research UK.

Seth Wilkinson and Max Enright, both Year 8 students at South Craven School in Cross Hills, organised a charity football tournament and raffle.

They encouraged fellow pupils and staff to get involved in the in-school activities, and donate.

Student mentor and teaching assistant Chinny Singh worked with the youngsters, and was full of praise for their efforts.

"I’ve been really impressed by the enthusiasm and motivation shown by Seth and Max," he said.

"I am involved with charity team Craven for Change, which has raised around £10,000 for local charities, so it’s fantastic to see young people getting involved for such a great cause.

"In life we should appreciate what we have. If we can help people, there is no better reward."

The school thanks Bradford City Football Club, the Cross Hills Co-Op and Spar stores and Drake and Macefield Butchers in the village for donating raffle prizes.

Cancer Research UK funds pioneering work around the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of cancer, and provides information to the public about the disease.

For further information about the charity and ways of supporting it, visit