STEETON-based Acorn Stairlifts has seen a rise in turnover and profits.

And nearly three-quarters of its income is now generated through export sales, latest financial results reveal.

In the year ended September 30, 2022, the company recorded a turnover of £245.4 million, a rise of £8.8 million compared to the previous 12 months.

The amount generated by overseas business increased from 66.8 per cent in 2020-21 to 72.5 per cent.

Meanwhile profits after tax reached £50.1 million, up from £47.9 million the previous year.

Joanne Richardson, Acorn's group finance director, says: "The 2022 financial year has been another successful one and it’s gratifying to witness our group strategy translate into continued growth as a global business.

"All new and existing employees are trained in the five core values which underpin our business – quality, unity, integrity, caring and ambition. As we continue to grow worldwide, unity has become increasingly important."

The company employs around 1,300 people globally.

Its stairlifts, all manufactured in the UK, are exported to over 80 countries.